S. P. Déo-Gracias Berry graduated with a Bachelor and Master of Science in Cellular Biology and Immunology and currently is a Beninese doctorante at TUM.
She is passionate about her research which is generally concerned with improving the prevention and eradication of infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa.
She is interested in malaria and helminth diseases. Her M. Sc. project was carried out as part of a Phase I trial of a vaccine to prevent malaria associated with pregnancy, conducted in Benin. Her PhD thesis, integrated within a project called HelmVit, deals with the impact of helminthiasis on the regulation of vitamin D and on the immune system during pregnancy and infancy.
Her ambition is to acquire new skills and refine her technical abilities in immunology and to bring her expertise and technical support to the service of the African scientific community in general and in Benin where they do not have many female scientists.
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